

Stealth Address SDK

The Stealth Address SDK provides developers a toolkit for integrating stealth transaction capabilities into Ethereum-based applications, supporting ERC-5564 and ERC-6538.

Key Features

  • Stealth Address Utilities: generateStealthAddress and computeStealthKey are examples of utility functions that help build up a stealth transaction. More info detailed in further sections.
  • Stealth Transaction Monitoring: watchAnnouncementsForUser combines several important steps in a stealth transaction, such as watching for announcements relevant to a specific user.
  • Contract Interaction Preparation: prepare functions simulate and return the payloads for key ERC-5564 and ERC-6538 contract interactions, such as prepareRegisterKeys, which prepares registering a stealth meta-address and outputs the required transaction payload (to, from, data).
  • Examples: The SDK includes a variety of examples to help developers get started with stealth transactions.

Use Cases

This SDK is built for developers looking to integrate stealth transactions into their applications, adding a layer of privacy into their apps.