


The ERC6538Registry contract is designed to map accounts to their stealth meta-addresses. This mapping is done according to the ERC-6538 (opens in a new tab) standard. The contract provides functionalities to register, update, and verify stealth meta-addresses. Additionally, it ensures the security and integrity of these registrations through the use of nonces and signatures.

Code: ERC6538Registry.sol (opens in a new tab)



The StealthMetaAddressSet event is emitted when a registrant updates their stealth meta-address.

  • registrant (address): The account the registered stealth meta-address belongs to.
  • schemeId (uint256): Identifier corresponding to the applied stealth address scheme (e.g., 1 for secp256k1 as specified in ERC-5564 (opens in a new tab)).
  • stealthMetaAddress (bytes): The stealth meta-address. Based on ERC-5564 (opens in a new tab).

Event Signature

event StealthMetaAddressSet(
  address indexed registrant, uint256 indexed schemeId, bytes stealthMetaAddress


The NonceIncremented event is emitted when a registrant increments their nonce to invalidate existing signatures.

  • registrant (address): The account that incremented its nonce.
  • newNonce (uint256): The new nonce value.

Event Signature

event NonceIncremented(address indexed registrant, uint256 newNonce);



This error is thrown when the signature provided to the registerKeysOnBehalf function is invalid.

Error Signature

error ERC6538Registry__InvalidSignature();



The registerKeys function allows the caller to set their stealth meta-address for a given scheme ID.

  • schemeId (uint256): Identifier corresponding to the applied stealth address scheme.
  • stealthMetaAddress (bytes): The stealth meta-address to register.

Function Signature

function registerKeys(uint256 schemeId, bytes calldata stealthMetaAddress) external


contract MyContract {
    ERC6538Registry public registry;
    constructor(address registryAddress) {
        registry = ERC6538Registry(registryAddress);
    function myRegisterFunction(uint256 _schemeId, bytes calldata _stealthMetaAddress) public {
        registry.registerKeys(_schemeId, _stealthMetaAddress);


The registerKeysOnBehalf function allows an external party to set the stealth meta-address of another registrant, provided a valid signature.

  • registrant (address): Address of the registrant.
  • schemeId (uint256): Identifier corresponding to the applied stealth address scheme.
  • signature (bytes): A signature from the registrant authorizing the registration.
  • stealthMetaAddress (bytes): The stealth meta-address to register.

Function Signature

function registerKeysOnBehalf(
  address registrant,
  uint256 schemeId,
  bytes memory signature,
  bytes calldata stealthMetaAddress
) external


The incrementNonce function increments the nonce of the sender to invalidate existing signatures.

Function Signature

function incrementNonce() external


contract MyContract {
    ERC6538Registry public registry;
    constructor(address registryAddress) {
        registry = ERC6538Registry(registryAddress);
    function myIncrementNonceFunction() public {


The DOMAIN_SEPARATOR function returns the domain separator used in this contract. It re-computes the domain separator if there's a chain fork.

Function Signature

function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() public view returns (bytes32)

Internal Functions


The _computeDomainSeparator function computes the domain separator for this contract.

Function Signature

function _computeDomainSeparator() internal view returns (bytes32)

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